
Monday, March 15, 2010

在趕 paper 的時候:

在趕 paper 的時候:
  • admiring how the action is frozen in a fraction of a second, as in a snapshot...
  • If any depicted object may be treated as a symbol, where do we stop in out search for symbols;
  • it offers a vision of the world as rebus to be deciphered.
  • 'The story is entirely without action.'
  • As in Aristotle's categories, one is drama or tragedy, and the other comedy.
  • 早兩天加元已經 reach $7.6,但到底肯不肯放手是不是自由意志和慾望混亂得無法打破的問題和胡同呢。
  • 在夜深的時候邊看書邊喝朱古力奶,然後在睡覺之前喝一杯 sleeping tea。你要知道,貪婪地喝朱古力奶是惹脂肪的元兇;sleeping tea 只能幫你放鬆,你要在睡覺前胡思亂想也是你自己的事。
  • Occasionally an angel might come down to man, but man was never caught up to the angels.
  • If he is at home in the lower depths, he will not remain there when he could escape.
  • You are seeking salvation because you feel you are a sinner.
  • 忽然想起一首首夏宇的詩,像一幅畫,春天、下雨、濕度高、準備盛放而又未盛放的花、雨打過泥土和青草的味道、早晨的陽光、有雲的天空、星星在雲飄過的時候閃動,然後消失、街燈有點高、我們都只是路人、念著夏宇的詩。在香港。但你說,不如到美國。那年,十月,不如到美國。然後。夏宇念著法文。我在看詩。你聽音樂去。沒有我睡著的音樂館。沒有人睡著的音樂廳。應該是秋天,黃葉散落。風吹。乾燥,嚦嚦聲的。就在聖誕節前說再見。一首首詩。自己的詩。我說,去旅行應該要念詩,就在每一個早上,感受陽光的時候。無論說不說法文也好,說不說再見也好。我們終於各自走到不同的地方。玫瑰一朵朵的開,一朵朵的凋謝。我們各自抱不同的日出。我說:路邊是不會長出玫瑰的,我仍然是這樣的深信著。


ERICA said...

嘩, 夜晚飲咁多野唔會水腫?

Sophia Ch. said...

Re Erica,